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Privacy Policy

Daikin Airconditioning India Private Limited (hereinafter, “DAIPL”, "we", "us" etc. ), together with our group companies, is sincerely committed to ethical behavior and legal compliance, and we also consider the protection of personal information - a valuable asset entrusted to us - as our social responsibility, therefore, hereby we set forth this Privacy Policy.

1. Handling Of Personal Information

A. Collection of Personal Information

DAIPL time to time and to the extent necessary for legitimate business activities collects personal information during the course of our various business activities - such as air conditioning, air purifiers – upon agreement or consent of our Customers or Business Partners, through requests or contacts to us such as in relation to product or service orders, technical consultations, service or maintenance request or requests for catalogues and manuals etc, market or other surveys and events, and other requests.

B. Purpose of Processing Personal Information

We process the collected personal information for the following purposes.

Personal information of our Customers

  • Supplying our products and services.
  • After sales and services.
  • Improving the quality of the planning/research and development of our products.
  • Responding to requests from our Customers.
  • Providing information about our products and/or services.
  • Organization of our sales campaigns and other events (e.g. sending out invitations).
  • Surveys and product monitors.
  • Management of the access to our premises.

Personal information of our Business Partners

  • Organization of business meeting (e.g. sending out invitations).
  • Contacts and provision of information to the persons in charge of our Business Partners.
  • Performance of works and services entrusted to us by our Business Partners.
  • Management of access to our premises.

Personal information of Applicants for Employment or Internships and Retired Employees

  • Provision of information to Applicants for Employment or Internships and other human resources management related activities.
  • Management of hiring processes.
  • Provision of information to our Retired Employees.
C. Joint Use of Personal Information

DAIPL may, within the scope of the above described purposes, jointly use the collected personal information with our group companies. When the joint use is with third parties outside the DAIPL group companies, we will inform the data subject about the scope, purpose and other necessary items via our website or by other means.

  • Categories of jointly used personal information - Name, address, phone and other contact information, other personal information for the above prescribed purposes including sales information related to our products/services, installation or maintenance related information etc.
  • Entities jointly using the personal information – DAIPL & Group Companies in Other Countries.
  • Responsible entity - DAIPL.
D. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

To the extent necessary for the purpose of processing personal information, DAIPL may disclose personal information to our subcontractors. In addition, disclosure to third parties without the data subject's consent may occur in cases prescribed by law, in cases necessary to protect the life and/or the property of human beings, and in cases where the improvement of public health, healthy upbringing of children, cooperation with the police, court or other public bodies make it necessary.

E. Period for Storing Personal Information

DAIPL may store personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of obtaining the personal information, provided, however, that if laws require differently, such period will be set in accordance with the laws.

F. Request for Disclosure etc. of Personal Information

Upon receipt of request from the respective data subject pursuant to our procedures, DAIPL will promptly disclose the personal information held by us about the data subject, unless such disclosure may cause major detrimental impact on our operations, and/or unless such disclosure may cause a risk to the life, safety, property or other rights of individual(s) etc.

Furthermore, upon receipt of request from the respective data subject pursuant to our procedures in order to revise, add, delete or cease using personal information held by us on him or her, DAIPL will promptly investigate the request, and in case the request is reasonable, we will certainly accept the request.

Procedures on disclosure etc. requests are described here.

G. Cross-border transfer

In cases when we transfer personal information across borders to our group companies or to third parties, we check applicable laws and regulations to such international transfer and comply with those laws and regulations.

2. Compliance With Laws On The Protection Of Personal Information

DAIPL will comply with this Privacy Policy, our other internal rules, and applicable laws and guidelines on the protection of personal information.

3. Security Measures To Protect Personal Information

DAIPL has a management system and implements appropriate security measures in order to maintain integrity and security and prevent unauthorized access, loss, manipulation or leaks etc. of personal information. Furthermore, upon subcontracting the processing of personal information, we make efforts to protect such personal information by selecting subcontractors who handle personal information appropriately and by prescribing the necessary measures to the subcontractor for the appropriate data management.

4. Continuous Improvement

DAIPL regularly reviews and seeks to improve our efforts on the protection of personal information.

5. Cookies

Our policy with respect to the use of cookies are described here.

6. Processing Personal Information Of European Union Residents

With regard to the personal data of the data subject residing in the European Union, DAIPL will properly respond to requests from data subjects based on the right of access to the personal data, the right to correction, addition or erasure, the right to discontinuation of use, the right to data portability, the right to object, the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, and the right to withdraw consent.

DAIPL may transfer personal data of European Union residents to countries not recognized by the EU Commission as a country having an adequate level of protection; however, in such case, DAIPL and an group companies will appropriately handle such personal data of EU residents in accordance with the appropriate safeguards set forth in General Data Protection Regulation (e.g. upon conclusion of Standard Contractual Clauses, and other adequate safeguards).

Furthermore, please note that data subjects residing in the European Union may lodge complaints to the supervisory authority with regard to the processing of personal data by DAIPL.

Procedures of the right to disclosure etc. are described here:

Procedures of the right to data portability, the right to object, the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, and the right to withdraw consent are described here:

7. Contacts

Questions or comments on this Privacy Policy may be sent to this contact:

Person responsible for processing personal information in DAIPL is as follows:

Daikin Airconditioning India Private Limited

12th Floor, Building No. 09,
Tower “A”, DLF Cyber City
DLF Phase-III, Haryana- 122002

Attn: Data Protection coordinator

Many ways to connect with us : You can Whatsapp us @ 9871409300, Give a missed call @ 9210188999, Call our Customer Contact Centre @ 011-40319300 / 1860 180 3900 or write to us at