"There is no replica of hard work," says Daikin India’s MD and CEO Mr. Kanwaljeet Jawa, on being asked what message he has for the next generation. Belonging from a tier 2 town, Mr. Jawa says his greatest learning is recognizing the importance of hard work. This he believes, is one of the major contributing factors to success, be it any person in any field.
Another factor that is imperative for success according to him, is the power of networking. Mr Jawa believes that any and all networking opportunities should be utilized to their full extent. Emphasizing how important the power of collaboration can be, he says "Individually you can break barriers, but collectively you can create a new horizon".
Mr. Jawa stresses how important it is to love what you do. His mantra to success is to love your job, work hard and most importantly, enjoy what you do. “You can enjoy hard only when you work hard,” said Mr Jawa on the relationship between work and enjoyment.