Predicting Breakdowns Ahead of Time
Trouble such as abnormal stopping or unexpected repairs can be significantly reduced by an online system developed by Daikin that remotely monitors air conditioners.
Daikin Advantage
Preventing Breakdowns Remotely
Deterioration and abnormalities are detected early by online diagnostics (remote monitoring) performing year-round, 24-hour protection of HVAC equipment.
Trusted Support for Emergencies
Engineers are rapidly mobilized when trouble starts. Prompt action is possible by the control center from advanced indication of cause of trouble.
Energy Savings
Excessive loads from such situations as grimy devices are controlled and instances of wasteful power consumption are reduced.
Devices for Long Product Life
Checking for dirty heat exchangers and air filters in indoor units, abnormalities in fans and compressors in outdoor units, and refrigerant leaks can prevent excessive loads and extend service life of products.
Data sent by the local controller is remotely monitored to provide service staff with advance notice when trouble occurs and enable a prompt response.