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Air Condition Only Where IT'S Needed

VRV Changed the History of Air Conditioning


In the past, getting on a ship was the only way to travel overseas. However, today, flying on an airplane has become the standard.

From time to time, new standards are born through innovations.

“Daikin’s development of VRV”
It was the moment a new standard was created;
the birth of the next generation of air conditioners.

*VRV is a trademark of Daikin Industries, Ltd.

“Until the last person leaves, central air conditioning could not be turned off”

In the past, central air conditioning was the only way to air condition the buildings.
Those were the days where hundreds of thousands of empty rooms around the world
were unreasonably air conditioned.


1982 VRV - The Opening of the Era of New Air Conditioning Standard

Daikin developed VRV, the world’s first multi-split type air conditioner for commercial buildings.
The realization of individual zone control was believed to be a huge challenge, until the arrival of VRV. This epoch-making development has drastically innovated air conditioning standard of commercial building.

air conditioning only occupied rooms

By air conditioning only occupied rooms, VRV ensures both “energy savings” and “comfort.”

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“To achieve greater energy efficiency and comfort”

1986 Lower electric bills, greater comfort level

By using an inverter that operates with enhanced precise temperature control and efficiency, VRV air conditioner greatly cuts energy costs and realizes an even more comfortable environment.

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“To adapt to diverse building layouts”

1990 The outdoor unit that is installable anywhere

Daikin developed the water-cooled VRV air conditioner. VRV enabled the outside unit to be paled indoors, and now can easily be installed even in high-rise buildings.

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installable anywhere

“To respond to diverse preferences at the same time”

1990 Those who are sensitive to temperature can be satisfied together

With heat recovery VRV air conditioner, simultaneous operation of heating and cooling with one outdoor unit became possible. Daikin realized enhanced comfort to buildings with diverse air conditioning needs, such as hotels, where people gather from all around the world.

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Those who are sensitive to temperature can be satisfied together

“To have replacement done easily”

1999 Surprisingly quick replacement process

Daikin developed VRV air conditioner, which can be installed just by replacing indoor and outdoor units reusing existing refrigerant piping. This development reduces the time of installation and minimizes the impact on retail businesses, which often operate 24 hours a day.

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Surprisingly quick replacement process

“To spread the benefits of life with VRV

1999 Bringing coolness to extremely hot regions

Daikin has brought VRV air conditioner to where outdoor temperatures rise to 50 °C. Centering on the Middle East, Daikin has spread VRV in this hot climate region.

Bringing coolness to extremely hot regions

2007 Bringing warmth to extremely cold regions

For severely cold environments which temperatures drop as low as -25 °C, Daikin developed a highly efficient heat pump type VRV air conditioner. Daikin expanded the experience of VRV to the extremely cold regions, where combustion heating prevailed.

Bringing warmth to extremely cold regions

“To achieve ultimate comfort”

2007 Controlling even humidity

As a result of multilaterally pursuing "more comfort", Daikin has enabled the control of humidity by VRV system with DESICA, heat pump desiccant.
This system has been installed also in such places as art museums and libraries, which require precise humidity control.

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Controlling even humidity

What Daikin created was an ultimately new type of air conditioning.

Today, it has become one of the two types of
air conditioning systems, ducted and ductless, in the world.

Daikin will always be the pioneer of air conditioning and continue to expand this new standard, from building to building, around the world.

new type of air conditioning

VRV Evolution by Specifications

  VRV Evolution by Specifications1982 VRV Evolution by Specifications2016
Cooling Capacity 28 - 70kW 11 - 150kW
Energy Efficiency
(Cooling COP, EER)
2.78 3.28
Maximum Number of Connectable Indoor Units 10 64
Maximum Distance between Outdoor Unit and Indoor Unit 50m 165m


Beginning of the VRV Multi-Split Type Air Conditioner for Commercial Buildings

Before development of the VRV multi-split air conditioner for commercial buildings, the design and installation of building air conditioning centered on selecting and integrating chillers, coils, fans, water circulation pumps, tanks, and instrumentation. In a totally new concept, Daikin developed the VRV to provide air conditioning using only of indoor and outdoor units. By greatly simplifying design and installation, Daikin revolutionized the world of air conditioning for commercial buildings.

VRV Multi-Split Type Air Conditioners with Inverters

Daikin incorporated inverters into VRV multi-split air conditioners for buildings to achieve capacity control from 0 to 100%. This resulted in operation that was neither excessive nor insufficient during partial load operation, which occupies the greater part of operation time. Consequently, both comfort and energy savings increased significantly. Furthermore, it became possible to connect indoor units of different capacities and then, select equipment that closely matched room size and conditions.

Full Load Operation (100%)

Full Load Operation

Partial Load Operation (50%)

Partial Load Operation

Partial Load Operation (25%)

Partial Load Operation

Development of the Water-Cooled VRV Multi-Split Type Air Conditioner

Depending on the location, there were cases when installation was not possible for air-cooled VRV because of refrigerant piping length. However, the appearance of water-cooled VRV allowed units to be flexibly arranged without limitations of refrigerant piping length. Individual air conditioning also became possible in large-scale buildings such as high-rise buildings. Because water-cooled type air conditioners do not require heat exchange with air, they can be installed in the closed environments of underground shopping areas and in cold climates where outdoor temperature is low. With the arrival of water-cooled VRV, the market of VRV has greatly expanded.

Air-cooled VRV

Air-cooled VRV

Water-cooled VRV

Water-cooled VRV

Development of the VRV Heat Recovery Series

Daikin developed a unique refrigerant circuit that minutely regulates the refrigerant flow for both heating and cooling to achieve individual air conditioning even for buildings with both cooling and heating needs. Furthermore, the heat recovery operation utilizes exhaust heat during cooling operation and reuses it for heating to significantly increase energy savings. This achieved a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year by automatic change over between heating and cooling according to the set temperature.

Conventional Heat Pump System

Conventional Heat Pump System

Cooling and heating cannot be operated by one outdoor unit.

Heat Recovery System

Heat Recovery System

Heating and cooling can be provided simultaneously by one outdoor unit.

Development of VRV for Replacement Use

In the late 1990’s, air conditioning refrigerant shifted from R22 to R410a to protect the environment because R410a had a lower environmental impact than R22. The advance of air conditioners with low environmental impact matched the time VRV air conditioners using R22, which had been adopted 15 years earlier, were entering their replacement period. However, because of the large-scale installation involved, the shift did not go smoothly because of the required expense and time.

Seeing this, Daikin designed a method for reusing the existing piping by utilizing a thermally-driven secondary refrigeration system and filtering out impurities in the refrigerant. This significantly reduced the man hours needed for replacing the VRV multi-split systems. Today Daikin has made further advancements and developed a system that automatically performs all steps from refrigerant charging to system testing. As a result, Daikin has achieved even greater reduction in labor hours needed for installation. Daikin’s development greatly promotes the shift to new refrigerants and contributes to a lower environmental impact.

Development of the DESICA

Conventionally, controlling humidity required a large amount of energy for reheating. For this reason, Daikin developed an air conditioning system with an individually treatment for latent and sensible heat, and this significantly reduced the air conditioner’s work by removing latent heat. Using the heat pump as heat source, DESICA employs a heat pump desiccant method to efficiently adsorb and release moisture into the air. Because humidification and dehumidification are performed without supply and drain piping, this revolutionary system saves installation piping and the owner does not need to care for water quality.


Dear Customer, as a part of continuous product and customer experience improvement we have released a new Mobile Application (Daikin AC Manager 2.0) for our wifi series. In case you experience any issue in operating the wifi enabled AC unit, then kindly reach out to our customer service centre @ 011-40319300/1860 180 3900 or write to us at